Data enrichment

The data enrichment solution of d-basics offers the possibility to combine the debtor and creditor information that is extracted from the accounting package with information from other data sources.



Data enrichment is only possible if the ID that is used in the external data source has been looked up for the the debtors and creditors that were imported from the accounting package.

To minimize user effort and based on the debtor and creditor master data copied from the accounting package, d-basic Collector will try to automatically identify these debtors and creditors.

For those debtors or creditors that cannot be identified automatically, the identification must be completed manually by selecting the matching company from a list of most likely matches.

Three options

Because the manual identification of the remaining debtors and creditors is done via d-basics Portal, this process can be carried out by either the client, partner or d-basics (where d-basics will charge costs for this additional service).

Data from other sources

Once the debtors and creditors have been identified d-basics Collector can retreive additional information regarding these debtors and creditors from the other data source.

In general that other data source will be the webservice of a business information provider and examples of information that is imported from these sources are address information, the credit rating, the credit limit or the entire business information report.

The data that is imported from the other data source is stored in the database of d-basics Collector and will be updated if the business information provider indicates that the information has changed.

Combine with information from accounting package

The information that is imported from other data sources can be combined with the information that was imported by d-basics Collector from the database of the accounting package.

This combined information can then be used to create enriched data files (e.g. to send debtor information including credit rating and limits to a credit management solution) or to automatically analyze information that was imported from the accounting package (e.g. calculate the net financeable value of debtor open items with the Asset Basics plug-in).